Shuttle flight service launches in Timor-Leste

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MAF Timor-Leste will connect the nation’s remote communities when a new domestic air shuttle service launches next month.

The regular scheduled flights will transport passengers and freight between seven towns and the capital Dili – giving more Timorese people access to better healthcare, education, trade and family visits.

MAF Timor-Leste Country Director Nick Hitchins said MAF is not a commercial airline, but the organisation believes in the importance of providing economic opportunities to communities that would not normally have regular access to air travel.

“Previously, the only way to fly with MAF around Timor-Leste was to charter the plane,” said Mr Hitchins. “Now people can travel for the price of one seat on a plane – a cost which is subsidised by the supporters of MAF.”

The shuttle service helps people to travel across Timor-Leste without a long road journey. It also means essential medical supplies can be transported to communities, and fruit and vegetables can be delivered from farms while they are still fresh.

MAF has already boosted the Timor-Leste economy by operating regular flights between Dili and the island of Atauro.

The service brings income to businesses as visitors spend on hotels, restaurants, local transport and diving.

The shuttle schedule will provide a link to these communities:

Mondays = Atauro Shuttle serving Dili and Atauro

Maliana Shuttle serving Dili and Maliana

Tuesdays = Southern Shuttle Tase Mane serving Dili, Baucau, Viqueque, Same and Suai Eastern Shuttle Loro’sae serving Dili, Baucau and                             Lospalos

Wednesdays = Atauro Shuttle serving Dili and Atauro

Thursdays = Southern Shuttle Tase Mane serving Dili, Baucau, Viqueque, Same and Suai Eastern Shuttle Loro’sae serving Dili,

Baucau and Lospalos

Fridays = Maliana Shuttle serving Dili and Maliana

Atauro Shuttle serving Dili and Atauro

Saturdays = Atauro Shuttle serving Dili and Atauro


Flights commence on March 20, subject to government approval, but tickets go on sale from March 1. Local mosan agents in each town will sell tickets and they can also be purchased directly from MAF via WhatsApp.

For more information contact Country Director – Nick Hitchins at MAF Timor-Leste on +670 7515 1515 or email


MAF International (ACN 004 260 860) a registered charity, limited by guarantee

A subsidiary of Mission Aviation Fellowship International, registered in England and Wales as company 3144199

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