(International) Mudansa– Since March 18th, HWPL has conducted a writing event for the environment and peace in collaboration with universities to commemorate Earth Day. The event was carried out in cooperation with two universities in East Timor, Universidade Da Paz (UNPAZ) and the universities they partner with under an MOU, Institusaun Superior Cristal (ISC) and Institute Universitario Naroman Esperansa (IUNE).
As environmental pollution becomes increasingly severe, HWPL, recognizing this issue and aiming to address it, decided to hold a writing event in celebration of Earth Day. They organized the writing event to coincide with Earth Day, partnering with professors from each university who teach peace education. The event centered around the theme of “nature” from the core content of peace education volumes 1-4.

Through this event, HWPL aimed to raise awareness about the seriousness of environmental pollution, emphasize the beauty of nature and the importance of environmental conservation, and promote a deep understanding of the values of environmental protection and peace by encouraging university students to participate in writing on the theme of peace education to commemorate Earth Day.
Through this event, HWPL aimed to raise awareness about the seriousness of environmental pollution, emphasize the beauty of nature and the importance of environmental conservation, and promote a deep understanding of the values of environmental protection and peace by encouraging university students to participate writing. This peace writing event served as an opportunity to recognize and promote HWPL efforts for global environmental and peace, as well as the role of international NGO organizations.
This event has significantly contributed to instilling the importance of environment and peace among the youth of East Timor, who will lead the future of the nation, and has also helped to heighten their sense of responsibility. Through their participation in the writing event dedicated to the environment and peace, the university students of East Timor have expressed their commitment to think about nature and peace, and to strive for sustainable peace alongside the Earth.
Just as the students have enhanced their responsibility towards nature and environment and their active participation and understanding for peace and harmony through this event, HWPL plans to collaborate and consult with stakeholders in the East Timorese community to work towards sustainable peace in East Timor.